Our Story

Winding Creek provides holistic student services that connect them to culture, community and wellness activities.


In 2011 Winding Creek promoted and supported the idea that students, educators, and families could benefit from a support system that surrounded the whole child.  Our first project was to build connections with higher education and place social work interns in underserved schools in urban areas.


Winding Creek Enterprises exists to provide support, strategies and funding for holistic programs that impact culture, community and heritage.

Celebrating our past

An idea to serve students in parochial schools in our area drove us to create Winding Creek Enterprises.  The vision was and is to grow a community of people serving students and their families.  We’re proud to have made a difference in thousands of lives in our short existence.  

What does the future hold?

Winding Creek's vision is to serve communities with specific programming that would connect people, enhance and support the educational journey.  We've been developing programming and ideas since our founding.  Curious about what we're working on?  Stay Tuned!